Sunday, August 18, 2013

there will be mud

I've been running some races with TPG Racing League during the summer break. The next event is a 25 minute sprint at Road Atlanta in the Enduracers 997s. It takes me back to almost three years ago, when I was participating in the USF1 League LMS Championship. Same car, same track (though this is a more detailed version with more trackside objects), so there will be no trouble getting up to my speed.

Wow, has it really been that long? It was 2007 when I first ran some F1 exhibition races with (the now defunct) Sofa King Racing League. Six years later and I'm still a backmarker and grid-filler, nowhere near the pace of the leaders. I should be a series champion by now with all my experience. On public servers against noobs and dabblers it can be easy to win. But against veteran drivers and serious competitors I have little chance.

And yet I wouldn't give up any of it, even though now I have fallen behind in the outside world as well. I'm approaching forty years old and I still have no job, no place in society, no future. I traded away everything I was taught, everything I was expected to be, for the wild frontier that is online simulation racing. Sure, my contemporaries are better off, with their careers and their families and all that. But at least I can say that I was able to realize my own dream.

Enough of this nonsense. It's a few hours before the event and I have a good feeling for this race. Time to do some practice laps and get my car set up.

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