Sunday, February 14, 2016

less lessons more morons

There is this thing called earworm, where you keep hearing a song or a part of a song over and over inside your head. I get this condition a lot, but it is just one noise in the cacophony of my mind. Apart from the earworm and what my ears actually pickup from the physical world, I also hear various monologues or points of view.  One of the most dominant of these speeches that I give attention to is a voice of opposition and negation. I call this elocution The Contrarian.

The Contrarian verbalizes all the doubt and uncertainty that has infested my character. It incessantly belittles whatever I think, or feel, or do. There is no escape, except maybe when I am able to focus on a simple, quantifiable task. So I fire up my sim racing car and I do some laps. Then there is no confusion and I find my peace running around in circles.

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