Monday, June 24, 2024

hello Dennis of the Internet

HRL Super Formula 2022 Series - Postmortem

(pic from HRL Discord / Iker Vera)

Another series in the books, big thanks to our host Iker Vera, all the participating drivers, and everyone else at Humble Racing League (HRL). Nahuel Spirka is the champion, and he was miles ahead of everyone else. Seems like he figured out the bizarre physics of this mod and won 6 of the 8 Races. He was also usually on pole position and by a considerable margin. Just a dominant performance all throughout.

As for me, I finished 3rd in the Driver Standings. The team I drove for, Action Express Lotus, also finishes 3rd in the Team Standings. Apart from the series champion, I was the only other driver to score points in every race, which includes a podium finish in the final round at Suzuka. 

It was a difficult run of it overall. I started the series 4-6 seconds per lap slower than the fast guys and could only fight for the lower points paying positions. After doing a deep dive with the car and trying various setup tricks I got up to 2-3 seconds slower per lap. The number of drivers showing up to race was also drastically reduced and this brought me up the pecking order. It was really only my attendance that pushed me up the Driver Standings. In terms of pace, I was nowhere.

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