Sunday, August 25, 2024

deflating the plaything


VeeRace Imola 24 Hours - Around 16 hours remaining, I've been driving in the dark for about 2 hours, and my eyes have started glitching. The video screen appears to ripple slowly, points of light sprout into little trails, and I can't spot my braking and turning cues. I'm slipping and sliding away, going off the track, and I've hit the wall a couple times. So, I park the car and retire from the race. 

I underestimated the darkness. I didn't do enough practice laps in these conditions. Maybe if this race had been run on a track with lighting facilities like Abu Dhabi or Bahrain, I could have persisted. Still, I appreciate VeeRace for staging such an ambitious event. Big thanks to the admins and all the drivers for this rare chance to test my limits. 

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