Sunday, August 4, 2024

casket base


I signed up for the VeeRace Imola 24 Hours. I will attempt a solo drive to the checkered flag at this big event. I finished a 24 hours solo drive before, a long time ago, so I know it can be done. The main concerns are my fitness (as I am much older now), the wear and tear on my hardware, and the reliability of my Internet connection. 

I know it's foolish to take on this race alone, when there are many drivers available to form a team, and there is even a VeeRace Community Team that I can join. But I do not want to bring a team down with my unstable connection. Although driver swapping is an integral part of rFactor 1, if the active driver gets disco'ed, the car gets DNFed and nobody else can reconnect and resume the race for that car. 

I have been waiting for a challenge like this for many years now. Anybody can do a quick race, but when the endurance aspect is introduced, it becomes a true competition and the great ones come forward. For that last little bit of meaning and purpose I might still have, I must take this chance.

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